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How do I "update records" so I can delete a value from a picklist?

Did you try to delete a value from a picklist field in Accompa, but got an error message that said the following?

"You cannot delete this value, as it is being used in one or more records. Please update those records before deleting this value."

Here's how to handle this - it is a 3-step process:

  1. Find the records in your Accompa system that are using the field value you'd like to delete.
  2. Change the value of that field in those records.
  3. Delete the field value you'd like to delete.

Here are the detailed steps:

  • Using "Advanced Search" find the records that are using this field value. How do I do this?
  • In the "Search results" page, click Actions menu and select Mass Modify All
  • Select the field you'd like to modify, and choose a new value (This should not be the value you'd like to delete).
  • Click the Modify Now button. This will modify the field value in all of these records.
  • Delete the field value you'd like to delete. How do I do this?
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