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What is "Advanced Search", and how do I use it?

"Advanced Search" enables you to search for Requirements, Features or Use Cases that match specific values in specific fields.

For example: Search for all requirements whose 'Requested By" field equals "ABC Corp", and whose "Description" field contains the term "Import".

Here are the steps to access Advanced Search:

Method 1

  1. Click Start tab of your Accompa system.
  2. Click Advanced Search link next to the "Search" box.
  3. You will be taken to Advanced Search page. Select the Scope first, then select desired Field, Operator and matching Value. You may enter multiple search criteria (one per line) using AND or OR operators to combine them.
  4. Once you've entered search criteria, click "Search" button - the resulting page will show matching requirements, features or use cases.

Method 2

  1. Click Requirements tab of your Accompa system. You may also click on Features  or Use Cases tab, if they're present.
  2. Click Advanced Search link under the tab (next to the "Search" box).
  3. You will be taken to Advanced Search page. Select the Scope first, then select desired Field, Operator and matching Value. You may enter multiple search criteria (one per line) using AND or OR operators to combine them.
  4. Once you've entered search criteria, click "Search" button - the resulting page will show matching requirements, features or use cases.

Method 3

  1. While viewing the "Search Results" page, click Advanced Search link to the right of the "Go" button.
  2. You will be taken to Advanced Search page. Select the Scope first, then select desired Field, Operator and matching Value. You may enter multiple search criteria (one per line) using AND or OR operators to combine them.
  3. Once you've entered search criteria, click "Search" button - the resulting page will show matching requirements, features or use cases.

💡 Advanced Search Tips

  • You can sometimes find a field faster by clicking on the field drop-down list and typing the first letter of the field name repeatedly to jump through all fields that start with that letter.
  • To search for matching results which have certain fields blank (empty), select or type in "NULL" as the "Value".
  • For "Date" fields, you can enter a valid date using the format mm-dd-yyyy; or a formula using one of the following formats, where "N" is an integer representing the number of days:
    • {TODAY}+N
    • {TODAY}-N
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