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What are the status options for "Triggers", and what do they mean?

A trigger has three statuses:

  • In Development - Trigger only responds to actions by administrator users.
  • Deployed - Trigger responds to actions by all users.
  • Inactive - Trigger is "turned off" and does not respond to any user's actions.

When changing the status of a trigger using the change link you will see one or more of the following "Yes" buttons:

  • Yes, Deploy it
    • This option sets the trigger's status to "Deployed".
  • Yes, Deactivate it
    • This option sets the trigger's status to "Inactive".
  • Yes, Undeploy it
    • This option changes the trigger's status from "Deployed" to "In Development".
  • Yes, Activate it but don't deploy
    • This option changes the trigger's status from "Inactive" to "In Development".
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