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How do I create a "Trigger"?

To create a new "Trigger":

  • Login to Accompa using an account that has 'Administrator' privileges.
  • Click Settings in the upper right-hand corner of your Accompa system.
  • Choose Business Rules from the menu.
  • Click Add new trigger link under the object you'd like to create a trigger for.
  • You will be taken to the "Add Trigger" page.  Complete the required fields, and click "Save" button. The new trigger will be created.

IMPORTANT: You must set the "Settings" field in "Add Trigger" page to "Deployed" before the trigger will apply to the actions of all users. If it is set to "In Development", that trigger will only apply to the actions of 'Administrator' users.

Please note: It can take between 15-60 seconds after a Trigger's conditions are met for it to fully process.

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