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What are Upstream/Downstream dependencies, and how do I use them?

Upstream/downstream dependencies enable your Accompa system to automatically identify suspect links.

You can use upstream/downstream dependencies to define which of your Accompa objects are upstream/downstream with respect to other objects.

This helps you trace a record upstream its origin, and downstream to derived artifacts.

For example: You can define that your Use Cases are downstream from Features, and that Issues are downstream from Use Cases. This would enable you to trace a Use Case backward (upstream) to its origin Feature.

Here are the steps to edit the upstream/downstream dependencies:

  • Login using an account that has 'Administrator' privileges.
  • Click Settings on the top-right, and select Customize Accompa from the menu.
  • In the resulting page, click Define upstream/downstream dependencies link (under "Customize Objects" section) - and follow on-screen instructions to add/edit the dependencies.
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