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What is an "Upstream/Downstream Tree", and how do I use it?

The "Upstream/Downstream Tree" enables you to easily visualize a particular record's relationships in a tree view.

This makes it easy to trace a record (such as a feature) upstream to its origin (such as a customer request) and downstream to derived artifacts (such as requirements, business rules, design documents, tests, and help documents).

Example of a "Downstream Tree" for a Feature in Accompa:

  • IMPORTANT: When viewing an upstream or downstream tree, take into account the direction of the arrow. The pointy end of the arrow shows the downstream artifacts.

Example of the "Relationships" section for FT-16 from the above image:

To view the "Upstream/Downstream Tree" of a record:

  1. Go to the record detail page of the desired record.
  2. In the "Relationships: Upstream" or "Relationships: Downstream" section, click the View Upstream Tree or View Downstream Tree link.
  3. The resulting page shows "Upstream/Downstream Tree".
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