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How do I customize the format of date fields when exporting to CSV?

Accompa offers you the ability to customize the date format in exported CSV files. You can choose between the Accompa default date format, or from two "Excel-friendly" date formats.

Here the steps to customize the format of dates exported from Accompa:

  1. Login using an account that has 'Administrator' privileges.
  2. Click Settings on the top-right, and select Customize Accompa from the menu. In the resulting page, scroll to the Customize Export Format section.
  3. Here you can use the "Date Format" picklist to choose from the following date formats:
    • Accompa default (Jul-18-2014)
    • Excel-friendly #1 (18-Jul-2014)
    • Excel-friendly #2 (18-Jul-14)
  4. Once you choose a "Date Format" selection, your choice is automatically saved.
  5. Now when you export a “SmartView” to CSV or a record to CSV - the CSV file will contain dates in the format of your choice.
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