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"Transformation" from Accompa to JIRA: Rich-Text

This article describes the "Transformation" options available when syncing data from an Accompa "Text Area" field to a JIRA "Free Text Field".

Transformation (Accompa-to-JIRA)

  • HTML to Plain-text
    • When you select this option, the rich-text (HTML) content in your Accompa "Text Area" field will be converted to plain-text and then sent to your JIRA system.
    • Notes:
      • JIRA fields of type "Free Text Field" use plain-text by default. As a result, this option may make sense if you do not have rich-text plugins (such as JEditor) installed in your JIRA system.
      • However, the disadvantage of this option is that the JIRA field will not retain the rich-text formatting in Accompa "Text Area" field.
      • If you use this option with bi-directional integration, then the plain-text in JIRA can overwrite the rich-text in Accompa. As a result, this option is NOT recommended for bi-directional integrations.
  • HTML to HTML
    • When you select this option, the rich-text (HTML) content in your Accompa "Text Area" field will be sent as rich-text (HTML) to your JIRA system.
    • Notes:
      • You'd need to install a JIRA plugin such as JEditor in your JIRA system - in order to properly display this rich-text (HTML) data .
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