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How do I map objects between Accompa and JIRA?

 Here are the steps to map the objects between your Accompa system and your JIRA system:

  1. Login using an account that has Administrator privileges.
  2. Click Settings at the top-right of your Accompa system.
  3. Click the JIRA Integration link from the resulting menu.
  4. Then click on the Manage all integrations link in the "Manage Integrations" section.
  5. In the resulting page, click the Map Objects link next to the integration that you want to map objects for.
  6. Then complete the following fields in the "Add New Object Mapping"
    • "Name"
    • "Accompa Object"
    • "Accompa SmartView"
    • "JIRA Issue Type"
  7. Then click the Add button to create your new object mapping.

Now that you've mapped the objects between your Accompa and JIRA systems, the next step is to configure the field mappings between the systems.

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