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Configuring JIRA integration for JIRA OnDemand

If JIRA integration is not enabled for your company, please contact Accompa Sales and request to enable it. Please note that there is an additional fee for enabling it.

Here are the steps to configure the integration between Accompa and your JIRA OnDemand system:

  1. Login using an account that has Administrator privileges.
  2. Click Settings at the top-right of your Accompa system.
  3. Click the JIRA Integration link from the resulting menu.
  4. Then click on the Define JIRA API Settings link in the first section.
  5. In the page that appears, complete the following fields:
    • "JIRA Base URL" - This is your JIRA system's base URL, e.g https://yourcompany.atlassian.net/
    • "JIRA Username"
    • "JIRA Password"
  6. Then click the Save button.

Now that you've configured the integration between your Accompa and JIRA systems, the next step is to create a new integration.

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