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Can I invite people who don't have an Accompa account to a poll?

Yes, Accompa enables you to invite people who don't have an Accompa account to a specific poll You can use this to collaborate with your customers, partners or internal stakeholders who don't have an Accompa account.

To invite someone who doesn't have an Accompa account to a poll:

  • In the "Create New Poll" page, set "Participation" field to "Invited Users Only".
  • Enter desired email addresses into the "Enter email addresses..." field in this page.
  • Then proceed to create the new poll.
  • The recipients of the invite (who don't have an Accompa account) will get a special link via email.
    • They can click that link to view and participate in this specific poll.
    • However, they will not be able to read any other data on your Accompa system.
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