How can I create a new user account using an email address already associated with a user account?
To create a new user account using an email address already associated with a user account:
Login to Accompa using an account that has 'Administrator'privileges.
Follow the steps in this help article to begin creating a new user.
Complete the following fields:
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
In the "User Name" field, click the edit link.
Enter a prefix in the "Prefix" field that appears.
If you're creating the new user account to accommodate Accompa systems in different countries - you can use a short abbreviation for the country (such as "US", "UK", or "JP") as the "Prefix".
If you're creating the new user account to accommodate Accompa systems for different business units - you can use a short abbreviation for the business unit (such as "FN", "RET", etc) as the "Prefix".
This will help you create a unique "User Name" (User Name = Prefix + Email address). Each user account in Accompa requires a unique user name.
Complete other fields as needed, and click "Save" button.