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I'd like to pay by invoice/PO. How does the process work?

If you'd like to pay by invoice/PO, the process is quite simple. Here's how it works:

  1. Please email us at sales@accompa.com and let us know your desired: a) number of licenses, b) Accompa edition, and c) subscription length (choose from 1-year, 2-year, or 3-year terms).
  2. We will email you the "Official Quote" within 1 business day of receiving your email.
  3. Based on the quote, please send us your purchase order (PO) by email (sales@accompa.com) or fax (+1-408-852-0421).
  4. We will provision your account/licenses within 1 business day of receiving your PO.
  5. Then we will email you the invoice - our invoices are Net-30 (payable within 30 days).
  6. You send us the payment via postal mail, ACH or wire transfer.

As you can see, the process is very simple! Just get started with step-1 above, then we'll guide you through the rest of this process...

P.S. If your organization follows a different process, email us at sales@accompa.com and let us know - we'll be happy to accommodate your process.

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