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How does "Thank You Email to Submitter" work?

You can configure a SmartForm such that the person (such as your customer) who submits the SmartForm receives a "Thank You Email". This is a nice way to thank the person and encourage them to submit more requests in the future.

Follow the steps below to set this up:

Step 1: Make sure to add a custom field whose "field type" equals "Email". If you've already created such a field, then you can skip this step.

Step 2: From the Add SmartForm or Edit SmartForm page of the desired SmartForm, do the following:

  1. Go to "Thank You" Email to Submitter subsection under the "Enter Basic Information" section.
  2. In the To field, select the desired field whose "field type" equals "Email".
  3. Optional: Edit FromSubject and Body fields to customize the "Thank You Email" content.
  4. Then, go to Visible Fields subsection under the "Define Fields" section.
  5. Add the desired field whose "field type" equals "Email" (i.e. the same field from step-B above), so that it is displayed in your SmartForm.
    • We recommend that you mark it as a "Required" field.
  6. Click "Save" button to save the SmartForm.

When a user visits this SmartForm and submits a request (including her email address), she will be sent a "Thank You" email.

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