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What are some of the ways I can use baselines?

Here are some of the ways you can use the "Baselines" functionality in Accompa...

1. Requirements Documentation for a Project

When you're working on a project, you can use the "Baselines" functionality as follows:

  • Create a baseline folder with the project name.
  • Once you've identified the initial set of items (requirements, features and use cases) for the project - generate the initial baseline.
  • Share the baseline with other users and get their feedback.
  • Based on their feedback, generate a new baseline by adding or editing items in the current baseline.
  • Share the new baseline with other users and get their feedback.
  • Once everyone agrees, use this baseline as the basis for your project.

2. Freeze Requirements

You can use baselines in order to freeze your requirements for a specific project:

  • Your project team will work off of the baseline, rather than current versions of items (requirements, features and use cases).
  • When a baseline is generated, it captures the then current versions of all items in the baseline.
    • After this, even if someone modifies an item - the item in the baseline will be unaffected.
  • Thus, baselines provide a powerful way to freeze requirements for your projects.

3. Change Management

You can use baselines to manage requirements changes for a specific project or set of projects:

  • Once the initial set of items (requirements, features and use cases) for the project have been identified and agreed upon - generate a baseline.
    • When a baseline is generated, it captures the then current versions of all items in the baseline.
  • Your project team will work off of this baseline, rather than current versions of items (requirements, features and use cases).
  • As the project progresses, there may be a need to make changes to existing items or even add or delete items.
  • Once the revised set of items have been identified and agreed upon - generate another baseline.
    • You can easily compare the two baselines to see what changed before everyone signs off.
  • Your project team will now work off of this new baseline.

4. Stage-Gate Process

Does your team follow stage-gate or phase-gate process for your projects? If so, baselines can help you:

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