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What are "Secondary IDs"?

Primary ID

By default, all requirements in Accompa are assigned a unique ID (such as RE-55). An ID consists of a "prefix" (such as "RE") and a "numbering sequence" (such as "55"). Accompa allows you to customize the prefix - but when you do so, the same prefix and the same numbering sequence will be used for all requirements. You can think of this as the "primary ID" of a requirement.

Secondary ID

In some cases, you may want to use different IDs for requirements depending on the value selected in a certain picklist field. For example, let's say you have 2 values in "Type of Requirement" field. They are:

  • "Business", and
  • "Functional".

You may want to assign all "Business" requirements a secondary ID using "BR" as the prefix and a separate numbering sequence (BR-1, BR-2, BR-3, etc), and all "Functional" requirements a secondary ID using "FR" as the prefix and a separate numbering sequence (FR-1, FR-2, FR-3, etc).

The "Secondary IDs" feature in Accompa enables you to achieve this. You can use the value selected in any picklist field (as long it is of "Picklist-Pick One" field type) to decide the secondary ID that should be assigned to that requirement.

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