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What is the difference between a "Named license" and a "Floating license"?

Accompa offers you two types of "user licenses":

  • Named Licenses (the default license type)
  • Floating Licenses

Wondering what the differences are between these two types of user licenses?

Perhaps the best way to understand the difference is to use the following analogy. Think of Accompa licenses as "seats" at a table. For this analogy, think of the table as containing the Accompa application. A user needs a seat at the table in order to access Accompa.

Named License

When you assign a "named license" to a user, the following happens. A seat at the table is reserved in that user's name, and that seat is always kept available for that user. As a result, that user can login and access Accompa at any time, regardless of the number of other users at your organization who are also using Accompa when that user tries to login.

For example - let us say you purchase one "named license". Using that, you can only create one Accompa user account. And, only that one user can login and use Accompa.

This type of license is the best fit for users who need to access Accompa nearly every day, and for whom being unable to login due to a lack of "open" seats is considered unacceptable as a part of your organization's business process.

Floating License

On the other hand, a "floating license" allows multiple users (usually 5-25 users) to share a single seat - but only one user can occupy one seat at a given time. Until that user leaves that seat (i.e. logs out of Accompa), other users cannot use that seat. Thus, one floating license is needed for each "concurrent user".

For example - let us say you purchase one "floating license". Using that, you can create multiple Accompa user accounts. And, those users can then login and access Accompa - but only one can use it at any given time, the others must wait until the seat is freed up. The waiting users will see an error message when they try to login, and won't be able to login.

Similarly, suppose you purchase two floating licenses - again, you can create multiple Accompa user accounts and those users can login and access Accompa. But only two users can be logged in it at the same time, the others must wait until one of the seats is freed up.

This type of license is the best fit for users who only need sporadic access to Accompa (such as a few times a month), and for whom being unable to login due to a lack of free seats is considered acceptable as a part of your organization's business process.

⚠️ Important: We strongly recommend that you do not use "floating" licenses for your Admin users, as it may prevent them from gaining access to the system to perform critical and/or urgent administrative tasks.

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