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How do I rollback to a previous version of a record?

Accompa automatically increments the version number of a record (such as a Requirement, Feature, etc) each time the record is updated by a user.

When the record is created, it is assigned a version number of "1". Each time a user makes a change and saves the record, its version number is automatically incremented.

At any time, you can rollback a record to any of its previous version numbers.

For example - to rollback a requirement:

  • Click Requirements tab of your Accompa system.
  • Go to "Requirement Details" page of the desired requirement. (How do I do this?)
  • Scroll down to the bottom of the page - you will see Activity History / Version History  section.
  • Click "Version History" tab. You will see a list of the version numbers.
    • You may have to select "Entire history" option in the picklist to the right, if it is set to "Latest action only".
  • Click "Rollback to this" link in the row corresponding to the version number you'd like to rollback to.
  • Follow on-screen instructions to complete the rollback.
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