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What are "Master Projects"?

The "Master Projects" feature is deprecated, and has been replaced by the "Spaces" feature.

As explained here, Accompa enables you to create Custom User Roles.

"Master Projects" enable you to restrict certain users so that they can only access a subset of the requirements on your system.

You can do this by creating a Master Project that defines:

  • SmartViews that are accessible to a user, and
  • Fields that are "preset" when user adds a new requirement.

For example, let us assume that you'd like to restrict some users so that they can only access those requirements that have "Requested By" field set to "XYZ Corporation". You can achieve this by following these steps:

  1. Create a SmartView that has the "Filter Criteria" of:
    • Requested By = XYZ Corporation
  2. Create a Master Project that has:
    • SmartViews: SmartView created above
    • Preset Fields: Requested By = XYZ Corporation
      • Preset fields are only needed if you'd like to allow these users to add or edit requirements. This ensures that such added/edited requirements show up under the View selected above.
  3. Create a Custom User Role (How do I do this?):
    • Scope = Restricted Scope
    • Master Project = Master project created above
    • Other privileges = As desired
  4. Assign this Custom User Role to desired users (How do I do this?).

Once you've completed the above steps - those users can only access requirements in that specific SmartView, and any requirements they add/edit will be displayed in that SmartView as well.

  • Note: The example above used "Requested By = XYZ Corporation" as the example criteria. You can, of course, use any criteria you desire - such as "Products = Product-A", "Release = Release 5.0", etc.
  • You can also use combinations of criteria - such as: "Products = Product-A"  AND  "Release = Release 5.0".

Thus, Master Projects (along with Custom User Roles) enable you to create users who can access only a subset of the requirements on your Accompa system. This can be very helpful in collaborating directly with your customers or partners on some of your requirements - while keeping other requirements on your system secure and confidential.

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