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How can I add "custom instructions" under the "Start" tab?

Accompa offers you the ability to add "custom instructions" under the "Start" tab. You can use this section to display instructions or tips for your users - such as how to use Accompa, your company processes, etc. You can also announce important milestones and upcoming events.

To add/edit custom instructions under "Start" tab:

  • Login using an account that has 'Administrator' privileges.
  • Go to "Start" tab - then click [Add custom instructions here]
    or [Edit these instructions] link.
  • In the resulting page, enter desired instructions. You can click "Preview" icon in the toolbar to preview your instructions. You can also add one or more attachments.
  • Once you've entered and reviewed the instructions - change "Display Status" radiobutton to "Show", and then click the "Save" button.
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