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How do I view "Use Case Details" page of a given use case?

There are 3 ways to get to the "Use Case Details" page of a given use case.

Method 1

If you had recently viewed this use case, it will appear in the "Recent Items" section of Start tab (right side), as well as RequirementsFeatures and Use Cases tabs (left side). Simply click on the use case to view "Use Case Details" page for that use case.

Method 2

If you know which "SmartView" the use case appears under:

  1. Click Use Cases tab of your Accompa system.
  2. Click SmartViews drop-down menu on the left side of the screen, select "Use Cases", and select the appropriate SmartView.
  3. In the resulting page, find the use case of interest and click read link next to it to view "Use Case Details" page for that use case.

Method 3

If you know a keyword in that use case or its "Use Case ID", do a search:

  1. Click Use Cases tab of your Accompa system.
  2. Enter your desired search term (or "Use Case ID" which can be entered as "UC-5") in Search box below the tab, and click "Go" button.
  3. The resulting page will display matching use cases, requirements, attachments, and discussions. Click on "Use Cases" link to see matching results.
  4. In the resulting page, find the use case of interest and click read link next to it to view "Use Case Details" page for that use case.
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