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How do I launch a SmartForm?

To launch a SmartForm, do the following:

  1. Click AutoCapture tab of your Accompa system.
  2. In the resulting page, click Manage SmartForms link.
  3. Then find the SmartForm you'd like to launch, and click edit link next to it.
  4. You will be taken to Edit SmartForm page.
  5. In this page, set the Status picklist to the value of "Launched". Then click the "Save" button.

The SmartForm will be immediately launched, and can be accessed from its public URL (web address).

To change a SmartForm's status to "Not Launched", do the following:

  1. Go to the Edit SmartForm page of the appropriate SmartForm.
  2. In this page, set the Status picklist to the value of "Not Launched". Then click the "Save" button.
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