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How do I bulk subscribe, or bulk unsubscribe?

To subscribe to receive daily email "Alerts" (or unsubscribe from alerts) for all requirements in your system or all requirements in a SmartView:

  1. Click Settings in the top-right corner of your Accompa system.
  2. In the menu that appears, select Manage My Subscriptions.
  3. In the page that appears, select the desired option under "Bulk Subscribe/Unsubscribe" section and follow on-screen instructions.
    • For subscribing/unsubscribing from ALL alerts - select the appropriate option from the "Bulk Policy" picklist (this is the first picklist), then click "Save Bulk Policy" button.
    • For subscribing/unsubscribing from requirements/features/use cases under a specific SmartView - select the appropriate picklist, then click the appropriate "Subscribe" or "Unsubcribe" button.
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